We drove up to Asheville to see the changing leaves in full glory. Could not have timed it better. On the way up we visited the top of Mt Mitchell where we saw our first snow of the season. Its been so long since I posted here, I almost forgot how to log on!
- Tight fit in the back seat
- Tunnels on Blue Ridge Parkway
- Snow on Lily
- Mt Mitchell North view
- Mt Mitchell South view
- Downtown Asheville. Barleys
- Summt Mt M
- View from room. Sat afternoon lazy
- sunset from indigo
- Ava late night. Chorizo restaurant, Asheville
- Indigo Hotel
- Sunday Morning stroll
- Linville Falls, lower falls. Can you see the Heron?
- Linvill Falls upper
- Sign on local Yoga shop
- Ride home. 3 in the back seat. cheyenne riding shotgun
Thanks for “remembering” how to log on
Wonderful pictures!
Ya gotta love ‘yoga from India vs Alabama ‘ Ha!! 🙂