We made it downtown today. Stew and Ava went first and I joined after working some at the apartment. The plan was to hook up by txt msg and keep it brief since using the gringo cell phones is expensive. The last message ended up being. “I’m looking for a bank in 300 block of San Martin” This tiny block contains 14 banks, and not much else. But we found each other and we finally found some Pesos.
Back at Plaza de Mayo we ran across our first Che Guevara reference. “Hasta la victoria siempre. Querida hijos” was written on a stage set up in the middle of the square. It doesn’t make any sense with literal translation, but after returning home to our google machines, we find it is a famous and apparently beautiful quote by Che meaning “always toward victory” but really not translatable to English.
There is a cute little local girl in our building that Ava met today. She is 4 and called Sasha. Sasha if very eager to play and so is Ava, but they are stuck with no common language. Her father Oscar speaks about as much English as we do Spanish and we have been able to make introductions and sort out the ages, but it will be up to the girls to get creative. We are here for 5 more days, so it will be interesting to see if Ava figures it out.
They apparently don’t have the “Rudolf the red nose reindeer” story and song down here. Sasha was playing with Ava’s Rudolf doll and I had a hell of a time explaining to them why it had a red nose.
We are now involved in Christmas planning. We are thinking dinner out Christmas eve, followed by some iChatting then a day on the beach for Christmas. Stewart is frantically researching now.
Picture below is the pizzeria below our San Telmo apartment. No matter how far you travel, there is always Coke. Maybe Big Syd Sr. is keeping his eye on us.
Just keep Stew off Avenida Florida.
Too late. That’s where most of Santa’s bounty got purchased. Scared to check the credit card statement.