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- Ava on New Dog
- Ava Harris on New Dog
- Ava Camille Harris on New Dog
- Ava Camille Harris on New Dog
- Randi & Syd on G’s Birthday
This morning upon waking…..
AVA: Mommy, look at this! Burgers….they got in my nose again.
Ava: Look at that big school bus!
Greg: Do you want to ride the school bus one day?
Ava: No…. I want to ride the bus two days and maybe sometimes three days.
Stewart: Ava do you want to run some errands?
Ava: No I want to walk some errands.
Hi family and friends, I’m going to get rid of “” this weekend and move everything over to Start using that as your bookmark address please.
Up till now you could have typed in or johnsislandyardsale, either way you get forwarded to this blog that is actually at johsislandyardsale. I’m moving it to this weekend, then in July with johnsislandyardsale expires, I’m not going to renew it.
that is all, love
Timmy and I came in 2nd in our flight this year. Made a little money on side bets and the calcutta… But the big news is I was named “Honored Guest” at the awards ceremony. They presented me with a flag from one of the holes signed (or actually to be signed) by Jack Nicklaus himself. Our good friends Ben and Jeff that won the whole thing thought my flag was much better than their glass vase trophy’s.
Ava rode her bike all the way to the playground yesterday (2.5 blocks). Now we must work on her endurance, because I had to carry the bike back home, but we were VERY impressed. Video pending….
this one is a bit dull, but shows off the new pony tail. video
Clip of Stewart and Ava playing in Jim Balloun’s new golf simulator after Easter Lunch. video
Egghunt video clip